This is one of the trips that will stay in my memory for a long time.
I decided to visit the most famous poor neighborhood of Rio – Favella Rocinha. Favella is a colloquial name for urban slums, where the poorest, unemployed and not always legal citizens of Brazil live. The district was founded on a steep mountainside on the outskirts of the city. It is estimated that between 130,000 and 180,000 people live there. Most people have electricity at home, but running water or sewage systems are a local luxury.
Favella Rocinha is called a city within a city, it lives its own life, follows its own rules and “law”. It’s really hard to describe what’s there. The density of buildings makes an electrifying impression, walking around the district often means squeezing through tunnels and narrow corridors. It is necessary to visit the favella with a local guide – for safety and to gain interesting information. See the photos below.